Our Projects

Completed Projects

Combat climate change.

At St. Joseph Royals, we believe in championing sustainability for a brighter tomorrow. Although not directly initiated by our association, we wholeheartedly support the recent eco-friendly biogas toilet facility project at St. Joseph school. It's a significant stride towards environmental health, renewable energy, and a greener future. We extend heartfelt gratitude to the sponsors behind this vital initiative. As St. Joseph Royals, we're dedicated to fostering positive change for a sustainable world. Together, let's create a better future for generations to come.

UpComing Projects

Enhance Security

We, the St. Joseph Royals, are embarking on a crucial mission to enhance safety at St. Joseph School. Our project aims to install state-of-the-art security cameras throughout the campus, ensuring a protected learning environment for all. Join us in this endeavor! Your support will make a lasting impact. Together, we can create a safer future for our school community.

Upcoming Project

Royal quiz contest.

Be a part of something extraordinary as St. Joseph Royals introduces the "Royal Quiz Contest" at Domeabra St. Joseph School. Your participation and support will empower our school and help us create a vibrant learning environment for students. Together, let's celebrate knowledge, have fun, and make a difference. Stay tuned for updates on how you can contribute and make this quiz contest a resounding success.

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